prospecting club

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prospecting club

#1 Post by Kevin »

For those that might be interested here is a new club in the Carolina's
here is a link for the forum ... prospector

We have decided to create a prospecting club for members only. Being a member of this club will get you access to several great prospecting locations. In the next few months I plan on securing several leased properties that we can prospect and camp on year round. These locations are going to be in both North and South Carolina and everyone is welcome to join. The cost for the first year is $100.00. Members that join in our first year will be locked in for life at that price per year. We need members to generate enough money to secure leases. Those that know me know that dredging with me for one day will pay your $100.00 back in one trip of prospecting. Members will also have discount rates for mining supplies from our store. For years I have heard from everyone complaining about where to go find gold or having trouble getting on private land. Most people go to pay to dig type places and spend more than $100.00 in a weekend of "paydirt prospecting" and camping. For those of you that would like to join you can do so here Look for the GPOC link. I look forward to prospecting with you all. Contact myself or Dwight (Will-D) if your interested.

Eastern US Prospecting Supplies and Gold Forum
Last edited by Kevin on Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: prospecting club

#2 Post by Nuggethead »

I wonder if they would like to trade a outing once a year? One in Ohio and one in the Carolinas or guest memberships each club is allowed to visit each others claims

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