Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the GPAA
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:29 am
The chapter has held their first meeting and elected a board of directors.
Left to right in the photo.
President: Ron Gable
Treasurer: Carol Cummings
Vice President: Leonard Engel
Secretary: Jim Hancock

Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month at the Green Acres Canoe Livery, 10465 Suspension Bridge Rd. Harrison, Ohio. at 2:00 PM
This is not a claim but prospecting is allowed on meeting day and only when Ron Gable is present.
Some of the prospecting after the first meeting.

I averaged four very small flakes/specks to the pan. The gold, the material and the river reminded me of the Lewis claim.

Kevin P
Left to right in the photo.
President: Ron Gable
Treasurer: Carol Cummings
Vice President: Leonard Engel
Secretary: Jim Hancock

Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month at the Green Acres Canoe Livery, 10465 Suspension Bridge Rd. Harrison, Ohio. at 2:00 PM
This is not a claim but prospecting is allowed on meeting day and only when Ron Gable is present.
Some of the prospecting after the first meeting.

I averaged four very small flakes/specks to the pan. The gold, the material and the river reminded me of the Lewis claim.

Kevin P