The 2012 Norris Claim metal detecting season officially began after the April meeting. The claim has been seeded with some nice collectable coins and other valuable items including a Morgan silver dollar and 2 gold nuggets. There are also a couple of mystery prizes, ordinary coins and some items still out from the previous dig. This dig is open to all OSPA members and their guests. The items could be found anywhere in the mowed portion of the claim. A word of advice would be to dig ALL targets because some of the items have been buried in the spice cans shown in this picture.
The nuggets and Morgan dollar can be seen in the top of this picture.
It's not everyday you get to metal detect in Ohio for gold nuggets, so have fun while you can. This dig will end when the claim closes on September 30th.
Please post here what you have found so we can have an idea of what is still left.
Remember to be a good detectorist and repair your holes.
I would like to thank Sonny for putting this dig together and donating most of the items. Thank You Sonny!
Kevin P