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Buckabilly Sluice Box Dealer
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:44 pm
This is just a reminder to anyone looking for a sluice box that the OSPA is a Buckabilly Sluice Box Dealer. All sluices can be shipped directly from the factory at the same prices (plus shipping and handling) advertised on the Buckabilly website. Buying your sluice through the OSPA will generate income that can be used for club expenses and projects. Anyone interested in buying a sluice box can PM me (MAIL MAN) or contact Bill and Shelley at Buckabilly.
Kevin P
Re: Buckabilly Sluice Box Dealer
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 6:45 pm
by Moegano
I have a Keene 2" dredge. I would like to buy another riffle for it. Would a Buckabilly riffle fit into my Keene dredge?
Re: Buckabilly Sluice Box Dealer
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:11 am
No the standard Buckabilly riffle wouldn't work in your Keene, it would have to be custom made. What is your goal with adding a new riffle?
I also have a Keene 2" and couldn't be happier with the standard riffle, although mine is a little older now and has the old style. They changed the riffle around 2010-2011 and I didn't see the new riffle as an improvement.
Kevin P
Re: Buckabilly Sluice Box Dealer
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:52 pm
by Moegano
Thanks for the info, Mail Man!
I guess I will keep the standard riffle. I just noticed the different riffles on my friends dredge and thought they might work better.
I like to experiment and try to improve my gold finds each time I go dredging. I wish it would warm up!
Re: Buckabilly Sluice Box Dealer
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:30 pm
by deanstone
Hi Moe, I have a 2" Keens dredge also, and found that by adding a little heavier rubber knock down mat where the water comes through the dredge that it helps with fine gold. I use mine down at Bill's and do much better. Use a floor mat from a car, and cut it to fit. Make it a little longer than the one that came in it. Don't make it to big or it will hold big rocks. Take a pear of big scissors to cut when you get set up and running. That way you can cut it if needed. Hope this helps. Dean