Pig Roast
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:28 pm
Hey all I have to thank a few guys & Gals for a great weekend (weather Man not included TOOOOOO Much Heat) but I do want to say a Big Thank You to the following Members or non-Members, Bill I know you had no Ideal what you were doing or got your self into but Roped in or what You are one (1) heck of a event coordinator (with my Help) had to add that Because you are my Buddy, plus Jerry PIG Roaster Jerry one of the Best Porker Ive ever Tasted + I overheard Several say the same thing I don't Really know what type of Gold prospector you are But you are one Heck of a Pig Roaster ( I think any 1 that wants to have a Pig Roast should Call you) oh if it happens to be Me (DISCOUNT- DISCOUNT) just Joking plus. Thank you all that came out to Support the OSPA (esp the Dayton Diggers) some very nice People. Thank you all that I have not Named But to J N (pleases don't use his name Because all that needs to Know already Know who i am speaking of THANK YOU FROM MY HEART for the $4.00 that means more to me then $400.00 in Cash LOL (don't get Mad Get Even) but I may Retire from Playing Poker just so I do not Lose it Back to you U R A GREAT SPORT about the Hole Thing. and I Hope you Know that I am Joking about the Win or should I say Skunked LOL until Next time. JIM M