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October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:51 am
I thought we had better start discussing any special events that might happen during the outing weekend. I will show anyone who is interested the locations for digging geodized brachiopods that are near the claim. I will try to schedule a day and time that doesn't conflict with a common dig or other event that may be planned. So do the entertainment and activities directors have any special events lined up for the outing ?
Kevin P
Re: October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:31 pm
by Nuggethead
Heck I still have to figure if I can make it down there Assistant it is up to you
Re: October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:22 am
by Gold Hoarder Jim
Dont try that Bill you have tobe there I have nothing in Mind, Lets put it Back on Rita you did make Her Head activities director.LOL Kev do you think there will be any Water in the creek last time I was there it was almost dry if you want Kev go ahead and sch that and we will just do what ever we can to make it thru the weekend, since Meeting is Sunday do your thing on Sat and if any 1 else wants to dredge or High Bank, I will have my D-HB Combo there, I really dont look for many tobe there it was Below Freezing here last nite. But if any one has any Ideals at all Let us Know, If we can get Mark some of thoses Cherrys he will Put on a one(1) man show for us.

See all at the DD on the 22nd,23rd &24th. Jim M
Re: October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:57 pm
by Flourchild
Heck Jim freezing down here is like summer to all them northern members of the club so a night or two in the 40's shouldn't scare them off right

I think there be plenty of water there just makes it easier to find the hot spots and if a few of us take and shovel at the bridge we could breach the dam there and have more water down stream

Re: October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:53 pm
by Gold Hoarder Jim
Very True Bill, I checked the long range Fore Cast and it said SUNNY and around 70 all three days. Will see all at the DD claim Friday the 22nd if My Hip makes it if not I will be there in a WheelChair. LOL. Jim M.
Re: October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:28 pm
by Nuggethead
Jim you wont get out of the blazer till it hits 60
Re: October Outing at the Double D Claim
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:33 pm
I would like to invite anyone who is interested in checking out the Double D to stop by this weekend. Several members are camping and prospecting there all weekend. The meeting is at 11 AM on Sunday. I am taking all who are interested to the local fossil dig sight on Saturday at 1 PM if I don't have to work. Hope to see you there.
Kevin P