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Caledonia Copper mine trip

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:34 pm
by Patrick
The Caledonia mine has posted their reservation schedule for this season. It appears they do not have Sunday reservations so that leaves that day open for other opportunities and judging by their attractions map, there is lots to choose from. There is also the chance to attend a GPAA Remus chapter Sunday meeting so we need to make up our minds on a date. They meet on the 3rd Sunday each month.
It looks like it will be 25 bucks/person for private pile digging.
Here is a link to the site

Since the reservation must be paid when it is made I need to get a solid list of the participants and the dates. We need to do this soon because slots will fill up as we decide.

Lets get this conversation going...

Re: Caledonia Copper mine trip

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:58 pm
by Patrick
We need to come up with some dates and number of participants. This will discussed and finalized at the April 25 meeting. As of right now, we're shooting for late July or early August.