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panning in the paper
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:47 pm
by Goldenrod
Re: panning in the paper
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:20 pm
by Kevin
Read the article and think it 's cool that they are teaching people how to pan. But the other side I think it's awfully petty that the park keeps everything that is found. Do they think that the park is going to get rich? After all they are allowing the demonstration to the public.
Re: panning in the paper
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:24 pm
by Flourchild
Goldeneye wrote:Read the article and think it 's cool that they are teaching people how to pan. But the other side I think it's awfully petty that the park keeps everything that is found. Do they think that the park is going to get rich? After all they are allowing the demonstration to the public.
I agree a good thing wrapped in a wrong but what I think is going on is that they are starting a mind set that you may not have the right to remove anything from the parks be it a rock, twig, sand, or otherwise even though We the People own the parks and the mineral rights that are there. Sad they forget who foot's the bill for everything they do and for their paycheck too

Gotta love it our gooberment

Re: panning in the paper
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:33 pm
by Goldenrod
they will be lucky to find much of anything and I think if they do its for display purposes anyway.
Re: panning in the paper
Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 1:14 am
In the end we were allowed to keep the gold we had found. I only found 1 speck... One of the first time prospectors I was helping finally found 3 colors in a single pan and I made sure to put it in a vial for him as a souvenir for all the hard work he had done. I heard there had been a few more specks found but didn't see any of them. It was a nice little stream and a few people were using sluices.
Kevin P