2011 online auctions have begun! (read this before bidding)

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2011 online auctions have begun! (read this before bidding)

#1 Post by Patrick »

All the auctions can be accessed from all boards and as an item closes it will be removed from "announcement status" and the topic will be locked

Bid early and bid frequently!


Here is how the auction will work:

*Auction items will be placed as seperate topics in the "Online Auction" board or as "Global Announcements" accessible from all boards.

*One item or lot will be auctioned in each topic.

*The auction item in the topic will be bid on in that topic.

*More than one item/topic may run at the same time but will have differing start and end times.

*Bidding will begin as soon as the topic is posted unless indicated otherwise.

*The end of an item's bidding will be at midnight as indicated in the upper right corner of the post unless otherwise specified. (the board's time is currently 2 hours behind, I will attempt to fix that but have been unsuccessful so far so we will stick with board time)

*Bidding needs to be in dollar amounts with no cents and will increase in minimum of $1 increments.

*If you wish to increase a bid on an item it needs to be in a new post. (do not go back and increase a bid by editing a previous bidding post)

*In case of a tie at end of bidding, the first highest bid will prevail.

*If a winner wishes to have an item shipped (as opposed to picking it up at a meeting or mutually agreed place), shipping will be at actual cost and at the winner's expense propmtly after payment is recieved and cleared. Items to be picked up can be paid for at the next scheduled OSPA meeting.

*If you do not plan to pay for an item, do not bid. Your bid will be treated as a contract and that you agree to these rules. *If for some reason you need to retract a bid, contact me before auction's end. Please do not edit any post once it has been submitted unless you have made a huge error. (An example would be bidding $10000 when you attempted to bis $100.00)

*Rule changes may become necessary and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Should a rule change cause a bidder to want a bid retraction, PM me by clicking my name at the top of the board.

*I will atempt to contact bidders making improper bids but in the event I cannot, improper bids will be voided and deleted.

*The OSPA, representatives, and the auction posters are not liable for inability to post a bid or any other issues surrounding use of the board.

*This is a fundraiser so let's keep it fun and fair!

*If you have any questions, post them here in this topic. If necessary a PM or posted answer will be given as soon as is possible. (I will check the board frequently)

*As users are signing up, their status is "newly registered" and their posts require approval by the moderator. If a new registrant places a bid, I will recieve the message and change the status to "registered" so they may freely post. The time of the original bid will stand and be counted as first bid in the case of a subsequent post at the same amount.

Good Luck Bidders!
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Re: 2011 online auctions have begun!

#2 Post by Patrick »

It has come to the attention of the administration that there is a flaw in the new auction rule pertaining to bid raise requirements so it has been decided to alter the rule. Please read the opening post of each of the two items currently being offered and if you agree to the new rule change feel free to join the auction!
This notice will also be posted at the announcement of each of the two items currently listed. Should this change be unacceptable to bidders who have posted prior to this notice, the bidder(s) may retract their high bid. Thanks for your understanding and sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this rule change may cause.
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Re: 2011 online auctions have begun! (read this before biddi

#3 Post by kchacha »

Just curious - are these auctions to raise funds for anything specific or for general operations of the club? Thanks!

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Re: 2011 online auctions have begun! (read this before biddi

#4 Post by Kevin »

kchacha wrote:Just curious - are these auctions to raise funds for anything specific or for general operations of the club? Thanks!
It's a little of both, we were over on total cost of the NPO and we are shooting for our third claim this year. So any extra will come in handy and most of these items are left over just added some extra to help out.
Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff

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