* In case if a tie at the end of the auction the first of the tied bids will be given precedence.
* All bids will be in whole dollar amounts
* Shipping will be available at actual cost and must be paid with the winning bid before shipping (or items can always be delivered at our meetings).
* Bids made after the posted closing time(s) will be refused so bid early!
For your consideration is a new 2" Hydroforce "dry land" suction nozzle donated by Chuck Lassiter of Midwest Prospecor. This nozzle wll give your dredge or highbanker combo the ability to actually dredge in places it could never do before. The unit has an innovative patent pending design which employs a bypass valve to allow water from the pressure supply to be diverted directly to the nozzle allowing the user to dredge as far from the river as the hoses from your pump will allow! I've seen these units in use and it is a very effective design.
Details of this fine piece of equipment may be seen at this link http://www.midwestprospector.com/hydroforce.html
The auction will begin with the first bid and will end at 10:00 pm eastern time May 3. Good Luck to all bidders!