Membership and renewal

Membership Dues Information!
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Membership and renewal

#1 Post by Kevin »

Membership and Renewal
#1 Post Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:07 pm

Membership Form
Membership fee is $150 first year and $100 each year after, all memberships are family memberships.
Military and Veterans are $80 yearly.

Lifetime memberships have not been set up yet.

Print, fill out and mail with check or M/O to : Ohio State Prospectors Association or (OSPA) P.O.Box 98, Georgetown, OHIO, 45121

Last Name _____________________ First__________________ Spouse _____________________

Address ______________________ City___________________ State _____________ Zip _______

Phone ________ - ________ - ___________ E-Mail_______________________________________

I understand that as a member of the Ohio State Prospectors Assoc., I can run for office and participate in the voting on all major policies and officer elections. I will also be able to attend all meetings and use the Club properties, subject to the Club By-Laws. I can also use Club equipment by appointment.


I /we, the undesigned, (hereafter referred to as participant) assume all risk and/or hazards associated with participants involvement in the Ohio State Prospectors Assoc., a prospecting Club.

Participants agree to indemnify and HOLD HARMLESS all Club Officers, Sponsors, and/or other third, fourth, etc., parties involved in Club activities. Participants realize that metal detecting, gold prospecting, and associated activities can be dangerous. The terrain can be hazardous and there may be wild or domesticated animals and snakes present. Some locations may have open shafts, pits, and tunnels. Participants assume all responsibility by signing below.

Annual Membership dues - $100.00 after first year of membership.


(Required each Renewal)

OSPA Referral member________________________________________
Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff
Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff
