Membership fee is $150 first year and $100 each year after, all memberships are family memberships which include family currently residing in the same household.
Military and Veterans are $80 yearly, proof of service required for discount.
Lifetime memberships have not been set up yet.
Payments accepted are cash, check or money order.
You can join at a meeting or download/print and fill out the forms below and join by mail. If joining my mail and requesting the Military/Veteran discount please include a copy of a proof of service.
You will be issued a membership card in-person at a meeting or mailed if joining via mail, and be granted access to the members section of our forum as well as a private group on Facebook called Prospector Family.
On the forum, sign up for an account and put in your membership number and an administrator will grant you access.
On Facebook, click here and request to join the Prospector Family group and an administrator will grant you access.
Any questions or issues please use the Contact Us link.
Membership Forms
You can download Membership Forms and Property Rules in PDF or standard text format by clicking on the links below. The form will open in a window and then you can print it on your printer. You do not need Adobe reader if you click on the standard text link.
If you don’t have adobe reader you can get it here for free Adobe Reader.
PDF Membership Form
Standard Text Membership Form
Guest Waiver Forms
You can download Guest Waiver forms and Property Rules in adobe or text format buy clicking on the icons below.
If you don’t have adobe reader you can get it here for free Adobe Reader.
PDF Waiver Form
Standard Text Waiver Form
Membership Form
Membership fee is $150 for the first year, renewals are $100 each year after, all memberships are family memberships which include family currently residing in the same household.
Military and Veterans are $80 yearly
Lifetime memberships have not been setup yet.
Print, fill out and mail with check or M/O to : Ohio State Prospectors Association or (OSPA) P.O.Box 98, Georgetown, OHIO, 45121
Last Name ___________________________First_______________________ Spouse _____________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City___________________________________________ State _________ Zip _____________
Phone ________ – ________ – ___________ E-Mail___________________________________________
I understand that as a member of the Ohio State Prospectors Assoc., I can run for office and participate in the voting on all major policies and officer elections. I will also be able to attend all meetings and use the Club properties, subject to the Club By-Laws. I can also use Club equipment by appointment.
I /we, the undesigned, (hereafter referred to as participant) assume all risk and/or hazards associated with participants involvement in the Ohio State Prospectors Assoc., a prospecting Club.
Participants agree to indemnify and HOLD HARMLESS all Club Officers, Sponsors, and/or other third, fourth, etc., parties involved in Club activities. Participants realize that metal detecting, gold prospecting, and associated activities can be dangerous. The terrain can be hazardous and there may be wild or domesticated animals and snakes present. Some locations may have open shafts, pits, and tunnels. Participants assume all responsibility by signing below.
Annual Membership dues – $150.00 for new memberhsip, $100/year standard renewal – $80/year new and renewal for active or retired military
(Signature Required with each Renewal)
OSPA Referral Member: ____________________________________________________
Property Rules: Ohio State Prospectors Association
Property usage rules:
1. Guests: Members may bring a guest as often as they want. Other than a gold pan only one piece of equipment can be used by a member and their guest. Host member is responsible for his/her guests actions and must have a signed waiver of liability from his/her guest. This will be strictly enforced.
2. Personal Property: Any personal property brought into an OSPA property needs to be removed by the member when leaving the property. Including, but not limited to trash, ect… Members are liable for their own personal property.
3. Digging: If you dig/dredge a hole, it needs to be filled back in before you leave.
4. Pets: Pets are permitted on club properties. All pets will be leashed at all times (Ohio State Law). Pets shall not be permitted to become a nuisance to other members and/or near by communities. All pet droppings will be cleaned up and disposed of properly before you leave the property.
5. Alcohol & Drugs: Responsible drinking will be allowed on club properties. Drug use will not be tolerated!
6. Firearms/Fireworks: No discharge of of firearms on club properties. (Unless you are being attacked by a bear!) No discharge of fireworks on club properties.
7. Language/Conduct: No foul/off color language will be tolerated. No misconduct or obnoxious behavior will be tolerated. No loud music.
8. Camp fires: Each property will have its own set of rules for camp fires. (see property guide) If a fire is permitted at a property, it will have to be in a fire ring and extinguished before you leave.
9. Camping: Camping will be permitted on some properties.(see claims pages) 14 day max. stay with a 14 days before you can return to that same property – unless specific property rules override.
10. Personal claims at lease properties: Respect fellow prospectors. If there is any disagreements, a 20ft x 20ft rule will apply, with the first member digging/dredging first to pick.
11. Respect the property: Keep in mind, we are leasing these properties. No horse play, no joy riding on ATVs, no cutting live trees.
12. As a new rule on the claims you can have no open pit camp fires, camp fires can be made only in the rock fire pits all ready made no new fire pits can be made, there is a rock fire pit at the claims and this is the only place you can have a fire, use only these rock fire pits for safety please!
13. No digging within 30 feet from any bridge and No Prospecting within 30 feet of any bridge.