Jim I am starting to feel like a horse I am getting roped into it. Thats ok I dont mind as long as I can help. Let my buddy Jim D I would really like to see him make it to the Norris claim he can come as my guest. I think high banking would be best and if some want to run dredges I will bring my 4" The Pine shaker may be nice if we run it for two days and split the cons after that but there may not be time for that. I know Kevin said that the metal detecting would be the only $5 fee but I would like to have this as a $5 donation to help get this NPO out of the way. I think the dig would be on Sat. Pat I would like to see you there so if I screw up you can point me in the right direction, you have helped us out in many ways in the GPAA as well as the OSPA. You wont need to run it just watch.
Questions I have if I can get some help with answers
1. When do most people plan on rolling in and are they interested in a common dig.
2. If Sunday most will arrive and detecting is at 9AM what time will the Pig be done in case we want a dig on Sunday due to that is our meeting Sunday.
3 Do we know if there are any kids coming if so we should have something planed for them.
4. With all the great members we have and many that have worked /helped in the Buckeye functions please give some input or help. I know this is not a huge event but as you all know the OPSA was made to be a member run club so please help with your voice and use it for the reason you joined.
5. Lastly it would be nice to see everyone there for this, I see some at the Swank and some at the Norris but it would be nice for all of us to get back together as a group function at least once a year. It wont be a Gold Rush Day but it would be a fun day or two.
Ok I will stop and sign back in tomorrow
PS Jim did I answer your question?

Gezz another post was posted by the time I was done